Photo Credit: Pohanna Pyne Feinberg
There are many who offered rays of light during the making of Walking With.
To the Mountain, the impermanence that you impart is the essence of being present, of becoming, and learning to listen through a process of interconnection.
Thank you, merci, chi-miigwech to all of the artists who contributed energy and insight to this project. Your generosity, introspection and sincerity are inspirational.
To my thesis supervisor, friend and mentor, Kathleen Vaughan, your openness, encouragement, and collaboration is unwavering and has helped me grow as an artist, as an educator, and as a person. Your seemingly innate ability to listen attentively and compassionately, to trust in the creative process, and to offer eloquent words of wisdom are remarkable and beautiful.
To my thesis committee, Steven High and MJ Thompson, thank you for bringing me closer to myself through the power of your thoughtful, careful questions. Also, infinite thanks for imparting joy in the process of sharing knowledge.
The Concordia University Art Education department, your support throughout my time in the program provided a context where my dream research-creation could come to life through nurturing yet grounded guidance.
Thank you also to the members of the Concordia Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling for being so welcoming to my work and for illuminated how personal / community stories can be honoured with integrity.
Merci énormément à l'équipe de DARE-DARE pour votre soutien et votre accueil chaleureux pendant la création de l'audio parcours En marchant /While Walking ainsi que le lancement d'Ambul Art, deux projets connexe au développement de Walking With.
To my family and dear friends - Your trust in my curiosities and convictions is the most precious gift. You are with me every step of the way.
A warm recognition to the people of Canada for supporting the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and contributed to the generous financial support that enabled the time and focus needed to bring this project to fruition.
The initial stages of the research were also encouraged by the generous financial support of Le Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC). Merci!